all i want for christmas...


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Wednesday 23 September 2009

Sunday Spiders

Sunday in the Sounth of France with one of the best tables of food ever seen.
Vietnamese barbequed squid, shrimp and beef, served on rice paper with fresh herbs and leaves and veggies all rolled up into a satisfying roll.
One of the tastiest tables i ever ate.

All that and then some nap time with full bellies...
Truly delicious.

Sunday and a real last supper of sorts i think for me here.
This is no long term plan.
It cannot be.
I cannot think about terms longer than weeks or months.
Days are ever random and ever changing.

This is not something new, but something old and its starting to grow on me like a mole grows. You seem somewhat aware, even if you cannot ever get rid of it, it just changes its shape and color and size. And one day you look at it and it looks completely alien and you think, how'd i let it get this bad?

Instead of going after all the spider webs that grow in the corners of your house, sometimes its better to kill the spider.

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