all i want for christmas...


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Wednesday 23 September 2009

Curiol City

My arrival in marseille was met with a speedy smooth downhill skateboard to the street car tracks where mary the french rasta would meet me.
older and with more years of pain and paranoia than myself , mary kindly accepted me into her home. her home was an empty shell of a sea side flat made of stone and tile and whatever minerals help guard the cool from the day lght.
in exchange i offered her dinner at the restauraunt of her choice, as well as filling up on some basic needs groceries.
her on bike, me on board we traversed marseille in search of an african joint called baobao. the only street name that i made apoint of remembering was curiol with its curious mini house that was the width and shape of a triangle due to it was built to fill up the space left by two roads who joined to form one..., just one tiny example of the kind of romantic chaos that is represented in the form of architecture here.
in fact all of marseiile seems to have been built without much planning, just a sort of happy, messy accident of criss crossing, zig zagging roads that span this coastal mountain range.
as fate would do, i am now writing this from the apt i stay in on curiol about 3 minutes from that intersection, with a cat named gato, an autistic bello fellow named amaru, and his parents mom and dad.
dad is a crazy belgian artist, and possibly one of the finest jazz rock drummers still alive. mom is a mexcan princess, stern beauty and all ballerina.
curiol is a street of broken prostitutes and unbreakable old ladies who bang on iron and cement all day, with exhaustion written all over every movement.
what is this?
instead of child slave labour, curiol has senior sweat shops?
nothing would surprise me.

in fact not even the fact that the other day i finally earned some money sweating my ass off in a kitchen, and actually - accidentally through that very same money out with the trash.
People who know my history with money will not find it that shocking, but it hasn't happened in a while, which goes to show just how long i have lived off of the kindness and blessings here in Marseille.

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