all i want for christmas...


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Wednesday 23 September 2009


Catalogued road
#kill 28

I've seen many dead animals laying on cement roads that penetrate natural land scapes.... such a waste of a life, no one benefits from their death, maybe some scavengers might pick,, and flies will lick, but nothing comes out of it, not even a proper decomposition on that blazing hot asphalt.

Two foxes in 3 days.
What would davey crockett say?
And each day i see the decent, the falttening out and drying up, until one day while holding the g-forces through these curvy soft feminine mountain roads, he's no longer waiting for me... gone.
Just like that.
Maybe someone finally did what all of us lazy commuters know we should have done, and dragged that sorry carcass 3 feet over to where it could lay in relative peacelessness next to the motor way.

But another couple of virages, and there waiting for me is some other sorry soul, a nocturnal accident... stunned by the head lights of our spaceships I am almost certain..
Imagine the contrast between the 16 foot width of man made road and the nature and relative security that surrounds it.. one minute they're doing their thing, as normal, and 30 seconds later if they are lucky they are still doing their thing.
It's God for them.
That unjust bastard, randomly picking people out to make an example for the others.
If only they could step back and take in the bigger picture.
See the waves of cars, understand that at certain daylight hours, one ought to really stay to one side of this strange ground where nothing grows.

or better yet, find all the the animals in the forest and start a protest where they could knock push and drag trees and rocks onto the highway, just to take out a couple of those wasteful creeptures.
Where is their organization?

I guess they struggle to eat, while we struggle to get hungry.
We have nothing in common with the natural world.

How far away is mars??
in hours i mean.

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