all i want for christmas...


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Wednesday 23 September 2009

tin foil sea

beatrice looking around the rocks with her beautiful body did a little dance move for franky who waited looking like a black man next to the reflected silhouette that threatened to swallow him whole. her sexy fluttered up from her hips flowed through her torso to her shoulders, and out through her hands, and then she calculatedly dove into the tinfoil sea, swimming like an excited frog, with heartbeat at 360bpms. Afraid of getting a mouthful, she tried to look at ease while struggling to keep her curls above the water... Her firecracker frog snap projected her towards him.
When the waves crashed their two bodies together in a violent act of love,
I smiled and rolled my head to the left to respect their intimacy. The tin foil sea folded and unfolded and reflected intense shots of sun into my face so i hid it under the over hanging bleached out rock and lit a cigarette.
I thought about a love I'd had not too long ago, and that look in her eye.

I layed and listened to the excited screams onlooking girls let out when the brave young boys testing their courage would jump not into the water, but into space, pushing that precious moment that waits for you at your highest high, before the inevitable come down, in this case the penetration of the tin foil hymen glaze that held all the salty wetness beneath.

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